full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Zak Ebrahim: I am the son of a terrorist. Here's how I chose peace.

Unscramble the Blue Letters

On nvebeomr 5th, 1990, a man named El-Sayyid nasior walked into a hotel in Manhattan and assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane, the leader of the Jewish Defense League. Nosair was initially found not guilty of the murder, but while serving time on lesser charges, he and other men began planning atatkcs on a dozen New York City landmarks, including tunnels, synagogues and the United Nations hretearuadqs. Thankfully, those palns were flieod by an FBI informant. Sadly, the 1993 bombing of the wlrod Trade ctener was not. Nosair would eventually be convicted for his involvement in the plot. El-Sayyid Nosair is my father.

Open Cloze

On ________ 5th, 1990, a man named El-Sayyid ______ walked into a hotel in Manhattan and assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane, the leader of the Jewish Defense League. Nosair was initially found not guilty of the murder, but while serving time on lesser charges, he and other men began planning _______ on a dozen New York City landmarks, including tunnels, synagogues and the United Nations ____________. Thankfully, those _____ were ______ by an FBI informant. Sadly, the 1993 bombing of the _____ Trade ______ was not. Nosair would eventually be convicted for his involvement in the plot. El-Sayyid Nosair is my father.


  1. center
  2. nosair
  3. world
  4. attacks
  5. plans
  6. headquarters
  7. november
  8. foiled

Original Text

On November 5th, 1990, a man named El-Sayyid Nosair walked into a hotel in Manhattan and assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane, the leader of the Jewish Defense League. Nosair was initially found not guilty of the murder, but while serving time on lesser charges, he and other men began planning attacks on a dozen New York City landmarks, including tunnels, synagogues and the United Nations headquarters. Thankfully, those plans were foiled by an FBI informant. Sadly, the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was not. Nosair would eventually be convicted for his involvement in the plot. El-Sayyid Nosair is my father.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
world trade 2

Important Words

  1. assassinated
  2. attacks
  3. began
  4. bombing
  5. center
  6. charges
  7. city
  8. convicted
  9. defense
  10. dozen
  11. eventually
  12. father
  13. fbi
  14. foiled
  15. guilty
  16. headquarters
  17. hotel
  18. including
  19. informant
  20. initially
  21. involvement
  22. jewish
  23. kahane
  24. landmarks
  25. leader
  26. league
  27. lesser
  28. man
  29. manhattan
  30. meir
  31. men
  32. murder
  33. named
  34. nations
  35. nosair
  36. november
  37. planning
  38. plans
  39. plot
  40. rabbi
  41. sadly
  42. serving
  43. synagogues
  44. thankfully
  45. time
  46. trade
  47. tunnels
  48. united
  49. walked
  50. world
  51. york